President Biden: use the force of American diplomacy to end Bolsonaro's attacks on indigenous peoples and the Brazilian Amazon

The Center and COIAB (Coordination of Indigenous Organizations in the Brazilian Amazon) sent a letter to President Biden this week, alerting the administration to the increase in human rights violations against indigenous peoples in Brazil and urging the United States to prioritize the protection of indigenous peoples and the Amazon rainforest in U.S. foreign policy. The United States is in a unique position to demonstrate its commitment to fighting climate change and protecting indigenous rights through its actions and policies dealing with the government of Brazil. The invasion of indigenous lands, the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, and the involvement of companies in human rights abuses should not be rewarded with impunity. 

Read the letter: The Center and COIAB's joint letter to President Biden urging protections for indigenous peoples and the Amazon rainforest in U.S. foreign policy, especially with respect to Brazil (April 2021)