The National Partners Working Group on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) and the MMIW Family Advisors have organized a National Week of Action (May 1-May 7, 2023) as a call to action in honor of missing and murdered Indigenous women. This week-long campaign provides a space for inspiring public healing and compelling accountability for this injustice and honors those who have gone missing or have been murdered. It is essential on the broadest level to acknowledge the historic and ongoing, current human suffering and death that global colonization has brought to Indigenous women. Join our united call to action and help grow the groundswell of our grassroots movement to hold ourselves and all systems and sectors of our societies accountable! Enough is enough. No more stolen sisters.
Take action by participating in these virtual events. Please note, the schedule of events corresponds with Mountain Time Zone. For more information, please visit:
Monday, May 1
12:00 pm Launch of the National Week of Action, Traditional Opening
12:30 pm Special Podcast by Family Advisor, NIWRC
2:00 pm Mana Mauli Ola Nā Wāhine: The Strength of the Breath of Life / Power of Healing Women, Hosted by Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
Tuesday, May 2
11:00 am Indian Law Resource Center
12:30 pm Special Podcast by Family Advisor, NIWRC
2:00 pm Mana Mauli Ola Nā Wāhine: The Strength of the Breath of Life / Power of Healing Women, Hosted by Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
Wednesday, May 3
12:30 pm Special Podcast by Family Advisor, NIWRC
1:00 pm Alliance of Tribal Coalitions to End Violence
2:00 pm Mana Mauli Ola Nā Wāhine: The Strength of the Breath of Life / Power of Healing Women, Hosted by Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
Thursday, May 4
11:00 am MMIW Spotlight, Hosted by Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center
12:30 pm Special Podcast by Family Advisor, NIWRC
2:00 pm Mana Mauli Ola Nā Wāhine: The Strength of the Breath of Life / Power of Healing Women, Hosted by Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
Friday, May 5 (Day of Action)
10:30 am Housing As A Mitigating Factor For MMIW, STTARS
12:30 pm Special Podcast by Family Advisor, NIWRC
1:00 pm Twitter Storm: Day of Action, NIWRC
2:00 pm Mana Mauli Ola Nā Wāhine: The Strength of the Breath of Life/ Power of Healing Women, Hosted by Pouhana O Nā Wāhine
Weekend - Saturday, May 6 & Sunday, May 7
MMIW 5K, 10K and Half-Marathon Hosted by Rising Hearts