The World Bank is an international organization comprised and governed by 188 national governments. It makes loans to developing countries to finance development projects, from road construction to land policy reform. The World Bank is currently revising its safeguard policies, including those designed to protect local indigenous peoples and their environments. While these policies provide critical protections, they fall below international human rights standards, such as those in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The policies also are in many cases not effectively implemented. As a result, indigenous peoples continue to be harmed by World Bank-financed projects. The World Bank safeguard review provides a unique opportunity to improve the practices of the Bank and to help ensure that development works for indigenous peoples, not against us.
2011-2016 Safeguard Policies Review Process
- World Bank Guidance Note for the Indigenous Peoples Policy Final Version | Tracked Changes (June 2018)
- Submission to the Bank on the Draft Guidance Note for the Indigenous Peoples Policy (December 2017)
- World Bank Released the First Draft of the Guidance Note for the Indigenous Peoples Policy (November 2017)
- The World Bank Approves Indigenous Peoples Policy (September 2017)
- World Bank’s Response to Center’s Letter on Ambivalence in the Proposed Standard 7 on Indigenous Peoples (August 2016)
- Submission to the Bank on the second draft of proposed policies with a focus on outstanding indigenous issues (January 2016)
- Follow-up Letter to World Bank Safeguards Team on Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Meeting held in Washington, D.C. (March 2016)
- UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights’ report on the World Bank and human rights (August 2015)
- World Bank’s Second Draft Environmental and Social Framework, including Draft Standard 7 on Indigenous Peoples (July 2015)
- Submission to the Bank on the first draft of proposed policies assessing their consistency with the UN Declaration (February 2015)
- Investors Letter to World Bank President Jim Y. Kim on World Bank safeguards and indigenous peoples (February 2015)
- UN Special Procedure Mandate Holders’ letter to Bank President Jim Yong Kim on the first draft of proposed policies indicating specific means by which they can be strengthened by a human rights dimension (December 2014)
- World Bank’s First Draft Environmental and Social Framework, including Draft Standard 7 on Indigenous Peoples (July 2014)
- Letter to World Bank President Jim Yong Kim on Guidance in a Time of Change: Including Indigenous Peoples in the Bank’s Goals of Ending Extreme Poverty and Building Shared Prosperity Without Discrimination (April 2014)
- Center holds panel on indigenous lands and the World Bank (October 2013)
- UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Demands that World Bank and Regional Development Banks Implement UN Declaration (June 2013)
- Statement to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on World Bank Safeguard Policies (May 2013)
- Submission to the Bank on the existing safeguard policies and the “emerging areas” (May 2013)
- World Bank discusses “do good” approach for indigenous peoples (April 2013)
- Submission to UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues on World Bank Safeguard Policies (March 2013)
- World Bank response to the Center’s letter on the participation of indigenous peoples in the safeguard review (December 2012)
- Letter to Bank President Jim Yong Kim on indigenous peoples’ participation in the safeguards review | Español (December 2012)
- Calvert Investment’s Letter to World Bank Vice President Joachin von Amsberg (November 2011)
- World Bank’s Report on Implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Policy (August 2011)
- Letter to former World Bank President Robert Zoellick on updating and strengthening the indigenous peoples' policy (July 2011)
2011 Program for Results Policy Development
- World Bank’s Approved Program-for-Results Financing Policy (December 2011)
- World Bank Program Threatens Indigenous Communities (September 2011)
- Comments and Recommendations on the World Bank’s Draft OP/BP 9.00 Program-for-Results Financing (September 2011)
- World Bank’s Draft Program-for-Results Financing Policy (July 2011)
Previous Safeguard Policies Review Processes
- Center’s WB OP 4.10 Successes and Setbacks (October 2005)
- World Bank’s Approved Operational Policy 4.10 Indigenous Peoples (July 2005)
- World Bank’s Legal Note on Indigenous Peoples (April 2005)
- World Bank’s Note on Indigenous Issues and Proposals (April 2005)
- World Bank’s Revised Draft Operational Policy 4.10 on Indigenous Peoples (December 2004)
- Comments on Draft Indigenous Peoples Policy 4.10 (February 2004)
- World Bank’s Report on Implementation of Operational Directive 4.20 on Indigenous Peoples (January 2003)
- World Bank Response to Indigenous Peoples Letter of Discontent (May 2002)
- Indigenous Peoples Letter of Discontent to former World Bank President James Wolfensohn on the Review of the Draft Operational Policy 4.10 on Indigenous Peoples (March 2002)
- Letter to World Bank Indigenous Peoples Advisor Navin Rai on the Review of the Operational Directive 4.10 on Indigenous Peoples (February 2002)
- Joint Letter to former World Bank Vice President Ian Johnson on Faulty Consultation (August 2001)
- World Bank’s Draft OP 4.10 Indigenous Peoples (March 2000)
- Letter to World Bank’s Resettlement Thematic Group on the Involuntary Resettlement Policy (October 1999)