
September 2015 | Nothing would do more to achieve the objectives of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples than institutionalizing a permanent body in the UN with the authority and responsibility to promote compliance and monitor implementation of the Declaration.
September 2015 | We recommend the Commission address the “empowerment of indigenous women” as an emerging theme at its 60th session in 2016.
International human rights law recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples to their sacred places and to their cultural, religious, and spiritual practices. Yet, development projects and extractive industries, often with the support of states, frequently affect indigenous lands and desecrate... read more
Armstrong Wiggins, director of the Center’s Washington, D.C. office and a Miskito Indian, says the escalating violence in Nicaragua must stop. He encourages the international community to join in solidarity with the Miskito people calling for an end to military attacks against indigenous leaders.

Statement on Behalf of 96 Indigenous Nations and 20 Indian Organizations
(May 19, 2014)

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 13th Session
Agenda Item 6: Discussion on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

Attorney Leonardo Crippa delivers a statement to the UN Human Rights Council during the Council’s discussion on the right to development.

The Indian Law Resource Center, in a joint statement with Americans for Indian Opportunity, the Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians, National Congress of American Indians, and the Native American Rights Fund, called on the UN to address the epidemic of violence against indigenous women by...

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Renewed tension between the Rapa Nui people and the Chilean government has prompted the Indian Law Resource Center to file a request for protection orders on behalf of the Rapa Nui clans with an international human rights body.

August 28, 2015 —

Chilean police have arrested and jailed three prominent Rapa Nui leaders following protests Aug. 26, 2015, against an illegal search of the Rapa Nui Parliament offices. Eliza Riroroko was arrested on Easter Island and faces a 120 day hold in Chilean custody.  Eliza’s...

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The Rapa Nui people have been fighting for self-determination since the Chilean annexation in 1888.

Rapa Nui culture and heritage are known around the world, especially the statues or Moai and the ahus, which are the sacred burial places of the Rapa Nui people, and they are a part of the...

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