
Indigenous women will discuss how climate change may increase and fuel violence against them, and the strategies they are pursuing to restore safety in their communities.

The Center is accepting proposals from strategic communications/public affairs firms that can help us create and implement a robust communications strategy to raise awareness and the profile of our Indigenous land rights case against the government of Guatemala that is now before the Inter-...

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November 16, 2021 - This week, President Biden fulfilled his campaign promise to revive — after a four-year absence — the annual White House Tribal Nations Summit established during the Obama Administration.

November 9, 2021
Clement Chartier
Ambassador of the National Government of the Red River Métis, President of the American Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP)


9 de noviembre de 2021
Clement Chartier
Embajador del Gobierno Nacional de Red River Métis, Presidente del Consejo Americano de Pueblos Indígenas (CAPI)


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, highlighting a critical issue for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN), and Native Hawaiian women who experience domestic violence at significantly higher rates than other women.

The Indian Law Resource Center was named as a finalist in the Racial Equity 2030 Challenge by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The Indian Law Resource Center and the nine other finalists were each awarded a grant of $1 million to further develop their proposals as they compete for three grants of $...

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Líderes indígenas e seus representantes da Amazônia brasileira participaram de audiência perante a Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos na quinta-feira, 1º de julho, para discutir a omissão do Brasil em adotar e fazer cumprir as recomendações contidas nas Medidas Cautelares que a CIDH... read more
Indigenous leaders and their representatives from the Brazilian Amazon participated in a hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on Thursday, July 1, to discuss Brazil’s failure to adopt and enforce the recommendations contained in the Precautionary Measures the IACHR granted... read more
