
October 19, 2020
Hugo Tacuri Huamani
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Peru (CONAIP)

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October 19, 2020
Hugo Tacuri Huamani
Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Peru (CONAIP)

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On October 10, 2020, two bills were signed into law to help address the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women in the United States.  The bills, which were presented to the President on September 30, 2020, follow years of advocacy by indigenous women, tribes, and Native organizations...

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6 de outubro de 2020 - A Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Apib) denunciou nesta terça-feira (6) à Comissão Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (CIDH) as principais violações cometidas contra os direitos e a vida dos povos indígenas que aconteceram nos últimos sete meses da pandemia da...

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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on indigenous peoples, the Inter-American Commission convened a virtual thematic hearing on October 6, 2020, on "The pandemic and indigenous peoples of the Amazon in Brazil." The hearing marked the first of three hearings to focus on the pandemic... read more

October 1st marks the first day of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which offers a critical opportunity to continue to shed light on the issue of domestic violence.

The U.S. Supreme Court held that land in eastern Oklahoma that had been reserved for the Creek Nation in the 1800s remains a reservation today
UN Photo #841026 | Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), holds a virtual briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic in Geneva, Switzerland | 15 April, 2020


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO), a global health agency, declared...

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A Coordenação das Organizações Indígenas da Amazônia Brasileira (COIAB) e o Indian Law Resource Center denunciam a violação dos direitos humanos dos povos indígenas isolados e de recente contato, no contexto da pandemia do Covid19.

The Coordination of the Indigenous Organizations of the Brazilian Amazon (COIAB) and the Indian Law Resource Center (the Center) denounce the violation of the human rights of indigenous peoples in isolation and recent contact within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
