
5 de octubre de 2022
Clement Chartier
Embajador del Gobierno Nacional de Red River Métis, Presidente del Consejo Americano de Pueblos Indígenas (CAPI)
Lima, Perú


Mining company challenging State of Montana decision to require comprehensive review of mining activity

During the pandemic, some Latin American countries were so focused on dealing with Covid that they got distracted from other menaces like drug dealing. In Peru, a cocaine production boom has sieged indigenous territories and some national parks. CGTN America's Dan Collyns brings a story about...

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July 28, 2022 -- The United Nations General Assembly made an historic, groundbreaking move, declaring that everyone on this planet has the right to a healthy environment. 

A body of experts (CERD) will review U.S. compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. The Indian Law Resource Center and several indigenous women’s organizations submitted an alternative report, Violence Against Indigenous Women in the... read more

President Biden proclaimed May 5, 2022, as Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons Awareness Day calling on all Americans and asking “all levels of government to support Tribal governments and Tribal communities’ efforts to increase awareness of the issue of missing or murdered Indigenous persons...

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As part of the 2022 National Week of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, our webinar will discuss the international legal frameworks applicable to MMIW and other forms of violence committed against Indigenous women. We will also discuss the work that Native women, Tribes, and... read more
Indigenous women will discuss how climate change may increase and fuel violence against them, and the strategies they are pursuing to restore safety in their communities.

The Center is accepting proposals from strategic communications/public affairs firms that can help us create and implement a robust communications strategy to raise awareness and the profile of our Indigenous land rights case against the government of Guatemala that is now before the Inter-...

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