
El Banco Mundial es una organización internacional integrada y regida por 188 gobiernos nacionales. El Banco otorga préstamos a los países en desarrollo para financiar proyectos de desarrollo, desde la construcción de carreteras a la reforma de la política agraria. El Banco Mundial está...

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El Centro está trabajando para establecer normas nuevas de derechos humanos que se apliquen específicamente a los BMD. Los Bancos Multilaterales de Desarrollo y sus países miembros tienen obligaciones jurídicas internacionales para asegurar que sus actividades respeten los derechos humanos de...

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The World Bank held two critical meetings in Manila, Philippines, last month as part of its safeguard policies review process and its overall engagement with indigenous peoples. Center Senior Attorney Leonardo Crippa was invited to participate in the meetings as an expert on indigenous rights.

A delegation of leaders from Agua Caliente, a Maya Q’eqchi’ community in Guatemala, worked with the Center’s Washington, D.C. office in March to raise international awareness about a nickel mine that threatens to destroy their homelands.

Recent murders, kidnappings and wrongful arrests against prominent indigenous leaders incite call for unity and resistance. (More...) (See official statement in Spanish)

Guía para Comunidades: Pueblos Indigenas y Desarrollo Sostenible: Protegiendo Nu

Guide for Communities: 
Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Development: Protecting our Rights

Native women's advocates in the United States are praising lawmakers for passage of an inclusive, bipartisan Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act that will afford protection to all women and victims of violence. The bipartisan bill, S. 47, passed by the Senate on...

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February 12 | Senate Passes S. 47, the VAWA Reauthorization Bill, by Bipartisan Vote of 78-22
