
February 7 |  Senate soundly rejects substitute VAWA bill aimed at eliminating protections for Native women.  Vote on S. 47 expected Monday

Planning is already underway for the 2014 conference; now is the best time for Indian and Alaska Native Nations to get involved. (More)  UN photo by Eskinder Debebe.

Jan. 23, 2013 -- Identical bills for VAWA have been introduced in both chambers of Congress. Tell Congress to pass an inclusive VAWA Now! Keep their phones ringing!

Commentary by Robert T. Coulter on 2-year anniversary of U.S. endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

On November 15, the World Bank held its first consultation with civil society organizations as part of a two-year process to review and update its social and environmental policies. The Center participated in the consultation to advocate for stronger protections for indigenous...

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Native women in the United States are suffering horrendous rates of domestic and sexual violence—violence considered one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the United States.

Only days remain for the 112th Congress to end partisan politics and do something to protect Native women by reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The 112th Congress will end on January 3, 2013, and Native nations and women’s advocates across the country are urging Congress to act...

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Mining in indigenous territories is a heated topic, even deadly, in Guatemala. For more than seven years, the Center has been supporting the efforts of the Maya Q’eqchi’ community of Agua Caliente to protect their land and resource rights and bring a halt to plans for mining in their lands and... read more
Statement of the Indian Law Resource Center 146 Period of Sessions of the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (October 31, 2012)

Ecuador plans to open indigenous territories to oil development while promoting its commitment on climate change.  (More...)
