Center to discuss Principles of International Law for Multi-lateral Development Banks at UN Permanent Forum session | ||
NEW YORK, New York - More than 2,000 indigenous leaders and representatives are expected to attend the eighth session of United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, which convened on Monday, May 18 and runs through May 29. In addition to discussing the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Forum will discuss the relationship between indigenous peoples and industrial corporations, and the need to promote corporate social responsibility. Center staff will be leading a workshop and discussion of our paper, Principles of International Law for Multi-lateral Development Banks on May 26th, 2009. (More...)
American States recommit to Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples | ||
With help from indigenous activists and supporters, the Center achieved a small but very significant victory at last month's Summit of the Americas. World leaders responded to the Center's call for a renewed commitment to the American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and reaffirmed their commitment to respect indigenous peoples' rights and promote the successful conclusion of the negotiations of the American Declaration. (More...) |
Seeking justice, Latin indigenous leaders come to testify | ||
WASHINGTON, DC - Indigenous leaders from four Latin American countries came to Washington D.C. last month to assert that their respective governments are criminalizing their right to protest, preventing them from seeking justice. (More...)
Raul Ilaquiche of ECUARUNARI, a confederation of the Quechua peoples in Ecuador. Photo by Shayda Naficy. |
Chain of extermination devastates Awa peoples in Colombia | ||
Two more Awa leaders were killed this month by an unknown armed group. On May 10, Ademelio Servio Bisbicus and Marco Antonio Taicuz were shot to death in their homes. Bisbicus' wife, Bertha Taicuz was wounded by the gunfire. The attack came 6 weeks after the bodies of eight Awa Indians believed to have been murdered by FARC rebels in February were recovered in the indigenous territory of Tortugaña Telembí, Colombia. Two of the discovered bodies were pregnant women, both about 8 months pregnant when they were killed. (More...)
Australia backs UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; pressure builds for the United States, Canada and New Zealand to follow | ||
Wilma Mankiller and other Indian leaders are urging President Obama to sign the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. |
Legislative efforts to end violence against Native Women | ||
Montana Senator Carol Juneau |
Indians still await formal apology | ||
Twenty-one years ago, Congress apologized to Japanese Americans for interning them during World War II. Sixteen years ago, Congress apologized for the "grave injustice" of overthrowing the Kingdom of Hawaii a century earlier. Last year, the House - though not the Senate - apologized for "the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow" segregation. Ten days ago, Congress began - again - considering a resolution apologizing to Indian people for the injustices perpetrated upon them in the two centuries since a fledgling United States adopted a policy that stated, "The utmost good faith shall always be observed toward the Indian." (Read the full article) |
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Valerie Taliman, Director of Communications, at |
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Issue 2 2009
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United StatesThe Indian Law Resource Center is writing a one-of-a-kind handbook for conservationists that will help build collaboration between...
Helping Indian leaders initiate, win, and implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been an important part of...
Securing Land Ownership Rights for Indigenous Communities in Mexico and Central and South America – Indian tribes in Mexico and in Central and...
Historically, Brazil has served as a model demonstrating the potential for reducing deforestation by strengthening indigenous peoples’ legal land...
The Indian Law Resource Center is pleased to support LAND OF THE BRAVE - Broken Treaty III, a sequel to the acclaimed BROKEN TREATY AT...
Our Law Reform project is directed at increasing understanding and support for the sovereign rights of Indian and Alaska Native nations and assisting...
In Guatemala, extractive industry and conservation projects are threatening the special relationship the indigenous peoples have with their lands and...
Multilateral development banks (MDBs) and some national development banks play a central role in the approval of large-scale development projects,...
The Center has a long history of environmental advocacy in Alaska. Over the years, the Center has continued to help Alaska Native nations and...
As part of global climate negotiations, the world’s leaders recognized that deforestation is one of the leading causes of climate change, and...
The Rapa Nui people are the original inhabitants of Rapa Nui Island, commonly known as “Easter Island.” The island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean...
In the United States, violence against indigenous women has reached unprecedented levels on tribal lands and in Alaska Native villages. More than 4...
On June 15, 2016, after nearly 30 years of advocacy and negotiation, the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted the American Declaration on...
The Center's best known work is our 30 years of organizing and advocacy to win adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous...
An example of the unfairness of federal law and the injustice of federal administrative action to Indian tribes is the recent treatment of the...
On September 22 and 23, 2014, the United Nations held the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples in order to share perspectives and best practices on...