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On Wednesday, December 2, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs held an oversight hearing: “Tribal Law and Order Act – 5 Years Later: How have the justice systems in Indian Country improved?”

By Jana L. Walker
Published by Equal Voice | November 18, 2014
Op-Ed by Armstrong A. Wiggins
Ending poverty globally can only be accomplished if you are in conversation with the people who live in poverty.

Coulter warns an FPIC approach to indigenous rights is backward, confusing, and can be a disservice to indigenous peoples.

The World Bank held two critical meetings in Manila, Philippines, last month as part of its safeguard policies review process and its overall engagement with indigenous peoples. Center Senior Attorney Leonardo Crippa was invited to participate in the meetings as an expert on indigenous rights.
A delegation of leaders from Agua Caliente, a Maya Q’eqchi’ community in Guatemala, worked with the Center’s Washington, D.C. office in March to raise international awareness about a nickel mine that threatens to destroy their homelands.

Commentary by Robert T. Coulter on 2-year anniversary of U.S. endorsement of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Commentary by Karla E. General*

by Karla E. General* - The Declaration recognizes and affirms the rights of indigenous peoples to their cultural, religious, and spiritual practices, to have private access to sacred sites, as well as to maintain and strengthen their spiritual relationship with their...
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by Jana Walker - Despite some strides in addressing violence against Native women, there is no doubt United States law falls far short of even the minimum human rights standards set forth in the UN Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples. Considering the...
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