The Center and COIAB's joint letter to President Biden urging protections for indigenous peoples and the Amazon rainforest in U.S. foreign policy, especially with respect to Brazil (April 2021) *English only
U.S. Congress dear colleague letter to U.S. Ambassador to Brazil Todd Chapman expressing deep concern for the protection of the Brazilian Amazon and indigenous peoples, and especially the Munduruku peoples (March 2021) *English only
Video statement by Eloy Terena explaining the Supreme Court of Brazil's recent decision to uphold order demanding Brazil to implement emergency health measures to protect indigenous peoples against the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic (August 2020) *Video in Portuguese with subtitles in English
Brazil's Federal Supreme Court orders State of Brazil to protect indigenous peoples from COVID-19 (July 2020) *Portuguese only
COIAB and the Center's joint press release on Brazil's violation of the human rights of indigenous peoples in isolation and recent contact within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic | Português (April 2020)
Statement by the Coordinator of the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and its member organizations from the 9 countries of the Amazon Basin on COVID-19: Amazon Declaration: Facing the World Health and Social Emergency of COVID-19 (March 2020) *Spanish only
U.S. Senate Resolution 337 expressing concern about the fires in the Amazon rainforest (September 2019)
The Center's partnership announcement with COIAB | Español | Português (August 2019)
COIAB's statement against Amazon destruction process | Español | Português (August 2019)
Brazil's Federal Supreme Court decision on restoring FUNAI’s demarcation authority and against President Bolsonaro’s Provisional Measure No. MP 886/2019 (Formerly MP 870/2019) (June 2019) *Portuguese only
COIAB's statement against the attacks on the Waiãpi peoples | Português (July 2019)
The Center's call for a thorough investigation and preventive measures in Brazil | Español | Português (July 2019)
The Center's statement of solidarity with indigenous peoples of Brazil (March 2019)
Brazilian Attorney General's Legal Opinion on Bolsonaro's Provisional Measure No. 870 (March 2019) *Portuguese only
President Bolsonaro's Provisional Measure No.: MPV 870/2019 (January 2019) *Portuguese only