
Displaying 661 - 680 of 842


Briefing paper written by the National Congress of American Indians, Native American Rights Fund,...
06.21.10 / File
Open publication | Download a pdf of the Annual Report   SURVEY Thank you for taking...
06.16.10 / Story
 June 10, 2010  WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Timbisha Shoshone Tribe filed a lawsuit today to...
06.10.10 / Story
April 20, 2010 -- U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, announced today that the...
04.26.10 / Story
April 20, 2010 -- Amb. Susan Rice announced that the United States will review of its position...
04.21.10 / Story
 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFebruary 11, 2010The U.S. Department of State to discuss the United...
02.10.10 / Story
Hello and Happy New Year! This is the first chance I have had in 2010 to tell you about the...
01.19.10 / Story
 The Indian Law Resource Center, Michael Kirby, and John Dugard are being recognized for...
01.01.10 / Story
This week marks the 13th anniversary of the signing of the Peace Accords in Guatemala. I remember...
12.27.09 / Story
Declaración de Apertura del Conclave de los Pueblos Indígenas en La XII Sesión de Negociaciones...
11.30.09 / Story
 Washington D.C.November 30 to December 2, 2009Ambassador Jose E. Pinelo, Dr. Luis Toro of the...
11.30.09 / Story
 Declaración de Apertura del Conclave de los Pueblos Indígenas en La XII Sesión de...
11.30.09 / Story
Indigenous leaders and government officials from 29 countries meet on a proposed legal framework...
11.30.09 / Story
November 20, 2009The Onondaga Nation has used its historic land rights to achieve a huge victory in...
11.20.09 / Story
The OAS held a special session on November 11th to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the...
11.11.09 / Story
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Indigenous leaders and organizations from Peru, Brazil and Bolivia will testify...
11.02.09 / Story
07.23.09 / File
