
Displaying 741 - 760 of 854


By Robert T. Coulter. Indian Law Resource Center.
02.22.08 / File
By Valerie Taliman. Indian Country Today.
02.22.08 / File
By Robert T. Coulter, Alexandra Page, and Leonardo Crippa. Indian Law Resource Center.
02.22.08 / File
from the World Bank Operational Manual
02.22.08 / File
 - Centro de Recursos Jurídicos para los Pueblos Indígenas.
02.22.08 / File
Estrategia para el desarrollo indígena: Borrador. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo...
02.22.08 / File
Política operativa sobre pueblos indígenas: Borrador. Banco Interamericano de...
02.22.08 / File
Inter-American Development Bank August 16, 2005
02.22.08 / File
Inter-American Development Bank
02.22.08 / File
Operational Policy on Indigenous Peoples Draft. Inter-American Development Bank Sustainable...
02.22.08 / File
Proposal for Article XXIV, "Traditional forms of property and cultural survival Right to land,...
02.22.08 / File
Article XVIII, "Right to Environmental Protection," of the OAS draft American...
02.22.08 / File
Table comparing current draft American Declaration text with UN Declaration on the Rights of...
02.22.08 / File
Indigenous peoples permanent sovereignty over natural resources Final report of the Special...
02.22.08 / File
Indigenous peoples permanent sovereignty over natural resources .
02.22.08 / File
