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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
PageOAS Negotiations on the Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples lisa015 years 3 months ago
PageIndigenous Notes lisa015 years 6 months ago
PageAlaska to Argentina lisa015 years 6 months ago
PageKarl Hill's Opening Statement of the Indigenous Peoples Caucus lisa015 years 6 months ago
PageOAS Working Group begins negotiation session on American Declaration lisa015 years 6 months ago
PageOAS Working Group begins negotiation session on American Declaration lisa015 years 6 months ago
PageAnniversary of the UN Declaration: More must be done lisa015 years 9 months ago
PageOil and mining devastate Bari People lisa015 years 9 months ago
PageLatin American Forum examines impact of mega-projects lisa015 years 9 months ago
PageGuatemala: Communities displaced, water contaminated lisa015 years 9 months ago
PageDelegation educates UN official on violence against Native women lisa015 years 9 months ago
PageInnu Update and the Canadian apology lisa015 years 9 months ago
Pagetest links lisa015 years 11 months ago
PageIndigenous Notes lisa016 years 1 month ago
PageNative Land Law Project aims to reform unjust laws lisa016 years 1 month ago
PageUN and OAS: How Tribes can Ensure their Human Rights are Recognized and Protected lisa016 years 3 months ago
PageA Real Apology Means You Won't Do it Again lisa016 years 3 months ago
PageHelena group working with U.N. committee on violence lisa016 years 3 months ago
PageInternational Donors support Indigenous Peoples lisa016 years 3 months ago
PageApology pleases, surprises Indian leaders lisa016 years 3 months ago
PageSkye Resources delays El Estor mining lisa016 years 3 months ago
PageApology pleases, surprises Indian leaders lisa016 years 4 months ago
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