
Displaying 481 - 500 of 845


Despite the abuse that almost took her life, Harjo now declares, “I’m not a victim. I’m a survivor...
10.15.13 / Story
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEOctober 11, 2013WASHINGTON, D.C. --  Timbisha Shoshone tribal leaders...
10.11.13 / Story
The United Nations Human Rights Committee was scheduled to conduct a review of the United States’...
09.30.13 / Story
September 12, 2013Jana Walker delivers a statement during the Human Rights Council's session on...
09.11.13 / Story
President Barack Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA 2013) into law...
07.16.13 / Story
On July 8, 2013, Judge Kahn of the federal district court in Albany upheld the Mohawk claim to...
07.16.13 / Story
 Open publication  |  Download PDF 
07.15.13 / Story
HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para un PDF imprimible de este artículoPreviniendo Violaciones de Derechos...
07.01.13 / Story
CLICK HERE for a printable PDF of this articleThe United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous...
06.24.13 / Story
31 de Mayo de 2013 Para su difusión inmediataPor Armstrong Wiggins  "La vida, la libertad...
06.10.13 / Story
>> Ver en EspañolMay 31, 2013For immediate ReleaseBy Armstrong Wiggins“Life, Liberty, and the...
05.31.13 / Story
Declaración en Representación de 96 Naciones Indígenas y 20 Organizaciones Indígenas(19 de Mayo de...
05.29.13 / Story
Juan de Dios Garcia Xajil, indigenous survivor of the Chixoy Dam project, addresses the United...
05.24.13 / Story
 >> En EspañolStatement of 72 Indigenous Nations and Ten Indigenous...
05.24.13 / Story
Llamado de Reparaciones a Guatemala, Banco Mundial, y Banco Interamericano de DesarrolloNUEVA YORK...
05.21.13 / Story
  ► ESPAÑOLNEW YORK - A representative of the more than 10,000 Maya Achi Indians displaced or...
05.21.13 / Story
In May, the Center participated in the 12th Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on...
05.10.13 / Story
 ► CARTA EN ESPAÑOL  ► RESPUESTA EN ESPANOL Read the response by the Secretary of State's...
05.01.13 / Story
When the United States announced its support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous...
04.23.13 / Story
