
The creation of “protected areas” poses a second threat to the Maya Q’eqchi’s rights of self-determination and ownership of their lands and natural resources. These protected areas—some proposed and some already established—transfer the control and management of lands from the Q’eqchi’ to...

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Agua Caliente Lote 9 is a small Q’eqchi’ Maya community located in the municipality of El Estor, department of Izabal, Guatemala. Set up in the Guatemalan highlands, Agua Caliente is an agricultural community, and most of its members are monolingual, only fluent in Q’eqchi Maya. Like many...

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On Tuesday, March 21, 2017, the Inter-American...

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March 17, 2017 | (New York, NY) — Indigenous women leaders from American Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages, and indigenous organizations converged on March 15, 2017 for a critical panel spotlighting indigenous women’s empowerment, their grassroots movement for safety for indigenous women...

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Karla General, Indian Law Resource Center - Participation Modalities

Chris Foley, Indian Law Resource Center - Selection Criteria

Karla General, Indian Law Resource Center - Selection Body

The UN Commission on the Status of Women designated the “Empowerment of Indigenous Women” as the Focus Area for its 61st Session in March, and this year’s meetings provided an important international forum to raise awareness about violence against indigenous women.

Session I & II - Venues of Participation and Participation Modalities

February 16, 2017 | Washington, D.C. — The reported rates of abduction and murder of American Indian and Alaska Native women and girls are alarming.  However, Native women advocates say too often these terrible crimes are ignored by law enforcement and the media.
