
By Rachel Buxton for the Seminole Tribune  |  December 15, 2011

by Robert T. Coulter - The Declaration contains more than 15 articles spelling out and protecting many aspects of tribal self-government and jurisdiction. Tribes are studying these detailed provisions, making strategies, and deciding what elements of the Declaration...

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Nearly 20 years after the Violence Against Women Act was first signed into law, U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) introduced bipartisan legislation Wednesday to further strengthen and improve the programs authorized under the landmark law to assist victims and survivors of domestic violence,...

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In October 2010, the Center filed a request for precautionary measures with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on behalf of about 32 Rapa Nui clans.
The Declaration gives us an opportunity to correct injustices in present law that make it impossible for Indian and Alaska Native nations to make much needed progress, such as the taking of Indian lands and property without compensation; the violation of treaty obligations; the stripping of... read more

Deadline Extended to Submit Comments on the Stand Against Violence and Empower (SAVE) Native Women Act extended through Dec.  2, 2011

Inter-American Commission Hearing has U.S. Officials and Native Advocates Agreeing that the Violence Must End

The World Bank's Program for Results -- P4R -- would do away with critical safeguards that protect indigenous peoples and their lands and resources.  Get informed! 

Senator Akaka introduces S.1763, legislation that would give tribes more power to prosecute violence against Native women.
