
The World Bank's Program for Results -- P4R -- would do away with critical safeguards that protect indigenous peoples and their lands and resources.  Get informed! 

Senator Akaka introduces S.1763, legislation that would give tribes more power to prosecute violence against Native women.

Native women leaders and advocates testify before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.  Watch their testimony ...  

About the Alaska Native Women's Resource Center

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Government Reports

Broken Promises: Continuing Federal Funding Shortfall for Native Americans, by the United States Commission on Civil Rights (December 2018) 

What actions you can take today to educate yourself and others about the terrible problem of Violence Against Women in the U.S. 

IACHR to hold hearing on violence against Native women in the U.S. Tune-in to the live webcast on Oct. 25, 2011 at 10:15 a.m., EST

Senate Indian Affairs Committee asking "Have We Improved Public Safety and Justice Throughout Indian Country?" 

A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contractual agreement between a donor and a nonprofit organization.  The donor gives the non-profit a lump sum of money for which they agree to pay the donor an income as long as the donor lives. When the donor passes, any remaining money belongs to the charity....

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Inter-American Commission on Human Rights says U.S. violated its obligations under international human rights laws.
