
Displaying 281 - 300 of 845


March 17, 2017 | (New York, NY) — Indigenous women leaders from American Indian tribes and Alaska...
03.17.17 / Story
Karla General, Indian Law Resource Center - Participation ModalitiesChris Foley, Indian Law...
03.16.17 / Story
The UN Commission on the Status of Women designated the “Empowerment of Indigenous Women” as the...
03.08.17 / Story
March 2, 2017 | Washington, DC SpanishThe following is a statement presented by Armstrong...
03.02.17 / Story
Session I & II - Venues of Participation and Participation Modalities Session III & IV -...
02.16.17 / Story
February 16, 2017 | Washington, D.C. — The reported rates of abduction and murder of American...
02.16.17 / Story
February 13, 2017 | Washington, D.C. — The reported rates of abduction and murder of American...
02.13.17 / Story
(New York City, NY) — Indigenous leaders from across the United States and the world gathered in...
12.20.16 / Story
Recognition/Selection Mechanism and Selection Criteria 
12.19.16 / Story
Session I & II - Venues of Participation and Participation Modalities
12.19.16 / Story
Center staff and board members are participating in information consultations of the current 71st...
12.14.16 / Story
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline is a modern case study on...
12.08.16 / Story
This month marks the sixth anniversary of the United States announcing it would endorse the UN...
12.08.16 / Story
Since 2012, the Center has been helping seven indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Mexico, challenge...
11.30.16 / Story
(Cherokee, N.C.) -- Two powerhouse boards, including leaders of  nearly 30 tribal nations,...
10.28.16 / Story
The Indian Law Resource Center is working to include indigenous peoples’ collective rights and the...
10.20.16 / Story
September 2016The Executive Board of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) has agreed to update...
09.30.16 / Story
 Sept. 20, 2016(GENEVA, SWITZERLAND) —  Representatives from the Standing Rock Sioux...
09.20.16 / Story
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) affirmed claims that the land rights of seven communities...
09.19.16 / Story
The Commission on the Status of Women, when it addresses “empowerment of indigenous women” as a...
09.14.16 / Story
