Horrific story told again in Peru
An OpEd published in "Indian Country Today"
An OpEd published in "Indian Country Today"
Environmental Impact Assessment and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Published in the American University International Law Review
Published by the Yale Journal of International Law. Winter 1993, Volume 18, Number 1
The Center and COIAB (Coordination of Indigenous Organizations in the Brazilian Amazon) sent a letter to President Biden this week, alerting the administration to the increase in human rights violations against indigenous peoples in Brazil and urging the United States to prioritize the protection of indigenous peoples and the Amazon rainforest in U.S. foreign policy. The United States is in a unique position to demonstrate its commitment to fighting climate change and protecting indigenous rights through its actions and policies dealing with the government of Brazil.
In February 2015, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights transferred Agua Caliente’s petition to Guatemala, formally launching the first phase of the procedure.
Video and resources from the October 9 panel discussion, "Indigenous Peoples’ Lands and Development: World Bank Interventions and Lessons Learned" (More...)
For more than 15 years, the Center has provided legal representation to the Assiniboine and Gros Ventre Tribes of the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation in their fight for environmental justice and clean-up of the contamination caused by the Zortman and Landusky gold mines adjacent to the Fort Belknap Reservation. Through lawsuits and public pressure, we helped the Tribes shut down the mines – once the largest heap-leach g
The Center has a long history of environmental advocacy in Alaska.
United States
The Missoulian. Over the years, and even in the present day, indigenous communities world wide struggle to protect their lands and resources from extractive transnational companies.
Article published by the Associated Press concerning Fort Belknap's opposition to I-147