
Displaying 341 - 360 of 842


January 28, 2016Earlier in the fall, we reported that four Rapa Nui leaders were arrested for...
01.27.16 / Story
On August 15, the President and Vice President of the Parliament were arrested for collecting the...
12.09.15 / Story
In 2010, the Rapa Nui people protested against Chile's lack of recognition of the clans' land...
12.09.15 / Story
Rapa Nui culture and heritage are recognized around the world. The iconic statues – the Moai...
12.09.15 / Story
Rapa Nui lies roughly 2,200 miles west off the coast of Chile. The small island has been inhabited...
12.09.15 / Story
December 4, 2015 | By Karla E. General*Dec. 16, 2015 marks the fifth anniversary of the U.S....
12.04.15 / Story
WASHINGTON, D.C. — On December 7, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EST, hundreds of supporters...
12.04.15 / Story
On Wednesday, December 2, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs held an oversight hearing: “Tribal...
12.02.15 / Story
On September 22, 2015, the Human Rights Council held a half-day panel discussion on follow-up to...
11.22.15 / Story
Urging action to stop violence against indigenous women is a top priority for Center staff...
11.16.15 / Story
The World Conference on Indigenous Peoples recognized the need to implement the UN Declaration on...
11.16.15 / Story
September 2015Nothing would do more to achieve the objectives of the UN Declaration on the Rights...
11.16.15 / Story
September 2015Violence against indigenous women and children is at epidemic levels. In the United...
11.16.15 / Story
April 28, 2014Indigenous peoples depend on their sacred lands and places for their identity and for...
11.16.15 / Story
Armstrong Wiggins, director of the Center’s Washington, D.C. office and a Miskito Indian, says the...
11.14.15 / Story
Statement on Behalf of 96 Indigenous Nations and 20 Indian Organizations(May 19, 2014)UN...
11.12.15 / Story
Attorney Leonardo Crippa delivers a statement to the UN Human Rights Council during the Council’s...
11.10.15 / Story
The Indian Law Resource Center, in a joint statement with Americans for Indian Opportunity, the...
10.05.15 / Story
Renewed tension between the Rapa Nui people and the Chilean government has prompted the Indian Law...
10.04.15 / Story
